Rat Medication I Need Information About My Hairless Rat Medication?

I need information about my hairless rat medication? - rat medication

My vet does not know the exact amount of Baytril to my hairless rats to give. Does anyone have any information they could offer?

Thank you,


Anonymous said...

Debbie the Rat Lady Email: rats@petrats.org

See also the website: www.petrats.org

A veterinarian will prescribe amoxicillin know exactly to combat infections in rats. Some veterinarians do not write amoxicillin for rats, and may never be learning in vocational schools to amoxicillin hamster or guinea pig (they kill, then pres. Baytril), then sometimes that this generalization of all rodents. However, amoxicillin is good for rats, I use it all the time. Sometimes there is someone who is allergic or sensitive, but not very often. The most common side effect is diarrhea.

I would like to find another vet who has worked in rats, too (not just see) 1 or 2 rats for one year. Try an exotic animal veterinarian in your area. You to call and make sure how old rat who wonder, and if the veterinarian is familiar with the medical treatment for rats - if not, go to the nearest vet until you find one that suits you and your rat.

Debbie is
You can e-mail amoxicillin food Pigeon Jedd obtained (seebelow). Make sure that the caps of the order. In addition, doctors Foster & Smith, 800-826-7206. Order capsules for aquarium, Article # CD-18876th If your rat is already sick, do not forget to ask us for overnight delivery!

You need to know the weight that your rat. The dose is 10 mg / kg twice daily, but certainly can be as high as 50 mg / kg. In most cases (see packet) Each capsule contains 250 mg of amoxicillin, the 25 cans £ 1

If you have access to syringes for measurement of amoxicillin can be mixed in a liquid. Dump a capsule on a table and see whether granular or powder. When the granules into powder with the back of a spoon to the floor. Amoxicillin taste is not so bad for most of the rats, then I suggest that the dose of 0.3 ml liquid (30 units on an insulin syringe) per pound (Note: 1 cc = 1 ml = 100 units). Multiply the dose volume by the number of doses of the capsule to 0.3 times the dose of 25 ml equivalent to 7.5 ml then mix in a capsule of 7.5 ml of liquid, such as Hawaiian Punch concentrate Strawb HerseyERRY syrup. A boat film, it's about the right size set to remain logged in the refrigerator. If the rat is not voluntary, you can use a dose of 0.1 ml, the spit too small. 0.1 ml x 25 = 2.5 ml of the mixture of a capsule with 2.5 ml of liquid tasty.

If you do not have needles, you can mix in food. Dump a capsule on a plate. If it crushed granular, and powders. Divide the powder into half and half, etc. Until you 24 cells. Since it is difficult to divide it, can give a dose of 1 pound in rats with a weight of less than one kilo. It is better to give too much is not enough. Scratch a battery in certain foods such as baby food, mashed avocado, etc.

Administering the dose twice a day. If the symptoms improve, you should work within 2-3 days. They are doing this job must take the treatment for at least 2-3 weeks. If this fails, then you should try a different treatment.

In this treatment will be toImprovements can be found within 2-3 days. If the symptoms have all disappeared in 3 days, you must continue treatment for 3 weeks. If it takes longer for all symptoms disappear, you will be after 4-8 weeks and possibly longer given. The longer it takes for the symptoms should be more treatment will continue. If the symptoms stop improving or amoxicillin not even help, try something else.

Home Schooled Rat And Dog Freak said...

Okay! Vets know what they are doing. I am with my first veterinary 'Council patient "and my rats are better! You go to university to give as much to know, etc. While everyone respects caculate your veterinarian, the exact amount.

Home Schooled Council Freak

Home Schooled Rat And Dog Freak said...

Okay! Vets know what they are doing. I am with my first veterinary 'Council patient "and my rats are better! You go to university to give as much to know, etc. While everyone respects caculate your veterinarian, the exact amount.

Home Schooled Council Freak

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